joeqsmith ,
I may have missed it , but do you provide a PAID service .
I have not picked up any computer language / and no programing .
So would be interested in paying for programing .
If I understand normal , similar to this , a one time fee for a program to run the nanoVNA , and then any future service is separate fees , or a package of services & fees ?
Or your not interested in any of the above

I'm a free-market / libertarian type , kinda [ I have not found answers to all questions from the libertarian perspective , but agree with lots ] .
I can not work for free either , picking up electronic repair as [ maybe ] the last trade at 65 disabled from pervious trades construction , auto repair , welding , machining / gun-smithing , and now electronics repair / ham radio , most trades started as hobbies & can not seem to just buy off the shelf
A tool-jones forces me into building , repairing everything I own .
Even if I occasionally buy something new - I have to open it up and look under the hood , more fun .