Please keep in mind, an antenna cut for 40 meters (dipoles, etc) will resonate for to meters as well. For 20 meters, you could add another pair of elements like fans. Traps are harder to make and strictly speaking, lossy.
To make traps, you'll have to achieve resonance of the coil/capacitor pair to be the higher of the frequency. Resonance will be very critical, so you can't strictly go by calculated numbers. You'll have to build the circuit and use dip meter and tune it in. Coax based traps are actually harder to make than usual coil kind. If you insist in using traps, my recommendation will be a coil and a trimmer/variable capacitor. Tuning will be a lot easier.
If this is going to be for receive only, I'm going to suggest not bothering with traps.
For antenna making, ARRL antenna handbook is a good book to have. Plenty of theory, plenty of examples, and plenty of tricks hams used over time. (yes, it is actually a BOOK!) I know it comes with DVD but I don't think there is an online version.