I do a lot of work with SDR. Especially in applications that involve very weak signals.
It is not clear to me that "direct sampling" will ameliorate all problems with out-of-band
interference, or even with near-channel interference. Dynamic range cannot correct for
intermodulation products that, I suspect, are inevitable results of the fact that even in
a high-speed ADC, the signal will pass through a semiconductor of some sort. Where
there is a non-linear device (that is, a junction) there will be mixing products.
Even with a 32 bit ADC, the first diode in the circuit will be happy to mix incoming signals,
and if two of them are large enough and at the right frequency, you'll see them alongside
your target signal.
RF experts: help me out here.... The next point has been eating at me for a while
I'm concerned that very wide front ends will run afoul of Mr. Boltzmann. Thermal
noise power in a receiver is proportional to kTB where B is bandwidth. For terrestrial systems,
the noise floor is -174dBm + 10*log10(B). So a 40 MHz wide input has about 76 dB of excess
noise. We buy much of that back with "coding gain" and other mechanisms, but the problem gets
worse. Your magic front end that's 400 MHz wide has a noise floor of -88dBm. That's a lot to
make up, and it isn't clear to me that resampling and integration is going to get us back to where
we'd be with a narrowband front end and a lower sampling rate. What am I missing here?
In any case, the intermod problem is likely to be determinative -- there's no avoiding the fact
that there will be really really big signals out there just waiting to beat together and swap
that tiny signal from the moose tracking collar in the woods of northern Vermont.
Sivan Toledo et al. at
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icte.2017.01.002 describe a SAW filter
front end for an Ettus USRP N200/WBX combination that is apparently working for them. This is
a case where a filter on the order of 1MHz wide is placed in front of the 40MHz wide ADC to
improve out-of-band rejection.
I believe that RF design will not die. It may split into two areas (as has my own field
of computer design)
1. A segment where most designs are executed by engineers with a broad focus
who rely on CAD tools and abstract languages that free the designer
from detailed considerations. The tools reduce the design cycle and design cost at
the expense of optimality or maximum performance. For much of the world, maximum
performance is too much. Nobody needs a keyfob receiver with a 0.5dB noise figure,
an IP3 of 30dB, and a 140dB dynamic range.
2. A very small segment where every little bit of performance matters. These designs
will be executed by a very small cadre of hardcore engineers who use the same
CAD tools but also occasionally resort to "flat rock" design techniques (where we
start building western civilization with a stick and a flat rock). These engineers are
going to design the ultra high data rate links that work in the presence of noxious
interferers and the ultra low-noise receivers that gather whispers among the stellar
background noise.