I tried a few different fitting and filtering methods to tease out the crystal's series frequency. In the attached plot, in the upper right I am plotting the calculated Fs. It has an error of 50Hzish. Consider it was a 1KHz span or roughly 1 sample every 10Hz, it's not too surprising. The 50Hz could very well be more than the entire error budget for a filter.
It's certainly possible to sweep in segments like I demonstrated when using the Nano to derive a model of a crystal for SPICE. However the Nano is VERY slow.
We also need to consider how wide the span needs to be to handle to parts we are trying to measure and the amount of time it will require to perform each sweep. We may want to use multiple sweeps to track the drift or average the data as well. As much as I like the little Nano, it seems like a really poor choice of tools for this particular task. But again, it's $50 so no surprise.
Another thing to consider is the Nano has no reference clock. If all you have is the Nano, you have no way to know how accurate yours is. You could spend days collecting worthless data.
Of course, the other thing to consider is the cost of buying an actual filter you need. While the OP never did post their requirements, it looks like a 12MHz 8-pole crystal filter with a few KHz BW will set you back around $30.
The second plot is using the segmented sweep. The span of each segment is 100Hz. The total span is a 4KHz. Even with the added data, I am seeing about a 25Hz error. Of course 12 sweeps is not much to go on. Note that the first sweep is off the screen because I handled the part. It may be good enough in some cases however, it takes so long to collect the data, it seems rather pointless. A simple counter and GPS is not very expensive, would be much faster and it seems more accurate (than using the Nano).
Maybe there is a better way to leverage the Nano for narrow band filter prototyping. If you have any ideas, feel free to chime in.