I haven't looked too hard at the Marker functions but I will.
Today I tested the return loss with a somewhat better setup. I call it my home OATS. I supported the antenna on my EMC rated clothes basket (means the basket is now ten times more $ valuable $), and then put that on top of my front fence. I had some crappy RG58 coax to connect to my balanced bridge and spectrum analyser. I don't have enough cable to do a back to back antenna calibration. I did have enough to measure the return loss.
In this fence top position, the antenna was a reasonable distance from the nearest reflectors. That included aluminium window frames, internal wall house wiring, steel roof etc. My home OATS is a long way from a real OATS.
I recorded the return loss of the antenna out to 1GHz when mounted on the EMC rated basket. The unedited plot includes lots of periodic response that I interpret as reflections along the cable. With a non-zero VSWR, reflections along the coax cable are reasonable to expect. My DIY balanced bridge has proved to be useful but somewhat untrustworthy as the frequency rises. The first plot shows lots of peaks and dips at about 850MHz. I can't be certain if this is the antenna, antenna coax reflections, or reflections between the spectrum analyser and the balanced bridge.
The second plot includes a hand drawn red line that I think represents the actual return loss of the antenna. If this is reasonably accurate then the antenna VSWR is reasonably flat from 100MHz to about 600MHz. With compensation, it looks to be usable up to 1GHz. I haven't tested beyond 1GHz because I wouldn't trust my balanced bridge. I am looking at making a new and better DIY balanced RF bridge shown here:
http://www.dicks-website.eu/return%20loss%20bridge_part1/part1.html The plan is to make it so it fits directly to the Siglent Spectrum Analyser.
So the results from testing in my front yard OATS are positive. I suspect the results would be even better with improved sensors.
I still plan to do two antenna calibration and I also want to measure the beam pattern. The balun had 5% imbalance and I want to know by how much this distorts the beam.
In the mean time I have started to design a non-conductive antenna stand/tripod.