Dazz, have you had to invest in a new collet chuck ?
Don’t remember seeing such a shiny beast when I dropped by.
Looks a cool project. Do you have a reflection bridge for your SA to characterise these antenna ?
I made the collet chuck quite a while ago but only for the small Denford lathe.
Yes, I have a bridge to characterise the antenna but what I really want to know is the gain.
If I start with a cable between the Tracking Generator (TG) and the spectrum analyser, I can normalise to that. Zero error.
If I then split the cable half way along, I can reference the isotropic gain to the cable.
If I place the two antenna, separated by the far field (lets say 5m), then I can compare their gain against and isotropic antenna.
I will have two identical antenna, with unknown gain. Two knowns and two unknowns. I just need to halve the measured gain between them. If I measure 10dB between the two antenna, then each antenna must have 5dB gain.