the MSI3101 chipset (MSI001+MSI2500) has 10bit ADC resolution at/above 5MHz rate and can use 12bit resolution below 5MHz rate
you're confusing resolution, ADC bit resolution is fixed and specified for specific hardware bandwidth of ADC. It doesn't have sense if bandwidth is not specified. For SDR receiver bit resolution is specified for hardware ADC bandwidth, it should not include processing gain.
There is no such information about Mirics chips in published documentation. They hide this information. The "resolution" you're talking about is different thing, it already includes processing gain. This is just marketing stuff and don't have sense to talk about it if you want to compare it with other devices.
SDRplay RSP1A works just fine.
Cheap RTL2832u + 820T2 set i could not receive EFOU_ATIS transmitter 135.450MHz AM 28km from airport.
Don't confuse ADC performance with presence of input filter. These are different thing. You can get better result with RTLSDR just by adding proper filter on it's input. SDRPlay has such filters inside, but it don't improve it's performancem, it just helps to compensate low dynamic range of SDRPlay ADC by cutting off strong signals.
Good ADC has good dynamic range performance and can work with no issues with presence of strong out-of-band signals on it's input. It doesn't requires additional filters, just because it's dynamic range is high enough to not overload ADC with strong signals at maximum sensitivity.
Adding filters to good ADC just reduce it's sensitivity because filter has some signal loss. So it won't give you advantage, on the contrary - adding filter make signal worse...
If you're still want to use filters with high performance ADC, you're needs to use extra high quality filter with ultra high Q-factor components, proper layout and soldering. Even type of PCB, mask and solder materials can affect results... Such filter will cost more than ADC and cannot provide you with significant improvement on high performance ADC.