I got a Mastech MS2108A clamp meter from ebay, it arrived today so I was playing around with it for a review I want to do. The meter was surprisingly accurate compared with my other meters, AC current and DC current was going well between 1.5A and 6A, voltage measurements where spot on.
Then I took out the leads was checking its functions, and turning the rotation switch suddenly display goes out, I can’t remember which position the rotation switch was but I turned off and turned back on, when I got in 40A current mode something blew up inside! I hear suddenly a little explosion and meter start to work, did some measurements everything works only DC current mode shows constant reading between 1.5A till 2A and if I try to measure something it goes to 0.000
I was like “WTF” so I opened up the meter and one of the tantalum capacitors was blown
I couldn’t see anything wrong in there which could cause this, only thing I seen was that the flat cable running to the clamp was stuck in the housing when they mounted together, but there was no damage. To be honest I was impressed with the measurements I did, this is just a bummer. I don’t think it is something common because I couldn’t find anything on the net similar to this.
I send a email to Mastech let’s see what they have to say.
Lightages if you are reading, remember when you recommend me the MS2108 (without A) and I said something about brands ending with …tech hahahaha