I had a JBC CD that broke down and then got a Weller WX2.
Started with the old pens which were quite ok, but felt a bit outdated. Then got a WXMP and later a WXUP (150W).
Now recently the WXPP pen was released. There is quite a bit of overlap in tip sizes of WXMP and WXPP. WXMP can do 55 watt but only with certain tips, so in essence a 40 W handle and same as WXPP. WXPP little smaller, but feels like a modernization of WXMP. I never tried WXPP, but I would go for that and later add a WXUP, and if you like tweezers got that too at some point. WXPP slightly shorter from handle to tip than WXMP, which is something I like. Not that WXMP is that long anyway.
On JBC vs Weller, I think both are very good when it comes to soldering, tips etc. You can't really go wrong with any. For most work, I find having two channel station with different pens and tips very useful. So a huge plus for the Weller. If i didn't have a two channel station, I would have to have two stations.
The downside with Weller is the really stupid touch based interface! Particular that "scratch wheel". But for actual use, that's not a problem as there are two presets accessed with push on one button. I also like that the station remember for each pen what preset you set last time you used them.
You have probably figured out many of these things already, but providing my thoughts and input.