For 500$ on the used market you can get nicer , more recent stuff than the 7104 .
Anyway, if you are in to this kind of equipment : have a go. no problem. I'm just poking fun at these boat anchors.
By the way, ebay is NOT represntative for what is out there. Too much overpriced stuff. The used equipment brokers all think they are sitting on gold.
You need to keep your eyes peeled for government auctions, military auctions, auctions of companies that went belly up etc. There is companies out there specializing in such auctions and you can bid by proxy. There is a bi-montlhy auction of used test euipment , a monthly one on used assembly equipment and much more.
Several times i have scored 'big time' on such auctions. I paid 400US$ for a 4+16 channel 1GHz infiniium... Another 600Mhz machine was bought for 200$.
They had minor defects ( one had a broken glass frontplate , the other one had one ccfl that was out. ) so none of the box-pusher equipment brokers ( buy cheap in auction, sell high on ebay) bid on those. Score for me.