Here is a blank PCB version..
PNG is nice for drawings because it compresses the data a lot without quality loss, but for pictures they get huge, please use jpg for such large pictures.
I've added temperature saving to the flash with method similiar to the eeprom emulation.
It's not that I forgot temperature saving, it was there but I removed it to reduce flash wear, only has around 10K erase/write cycles!
Otherwise each temperature change would erase and save new settings.
You can easily change temperature 10 times a day, plus swap some tips, change other settings... Easily reaching this limit in 2 years or less.
So, I just set the default temp value to the usual 350-370ºC.
Yeah an external FRAM could be installed etc... I keep saying this firmware targets original controllers, requiring minimum modifications.
NOT the 0.001% custom-made stuff, those will also have to perform custom firmware changes, don't ask me to do so
Most, if not all boards, have a battery connector for the RTC.
Connect the battery, enable
#define HAS_BATTERY in board.h, now it'll save the temp to the RTC SRAM.
Simple as that!
Edit: For some reason this was mentioned nowhere.
Edited the
README, adding it.