If it is hard to find V3.x model using STM32/CKS, I think I have to go with T12-955 V2.x. Any other advice? Thanks.
Same for me. And I actually got fooled by the description on Aliexpress where they still say it is "STM32". Still have to wait what I'll get but I'm almost 100% sure it will be MM32.
I had a closer look at the schematics and as the instructions on DavidAlfa's GitHub say that it doesn't really matter which F103 is used as long it has enough flash I think I'll be able to mod my 48pin chip in there. I'll at least try that as, to be honest, I really enjoy doing such fine soldering stuff
It seems to be totally possible to get STM32F103C8T6 based development boards. When searching, I even had the choice if I want to have the original STM IC or the CKS clone chip. As the CKS chip is also OK, I think this is a possible supply of chips to mod stations coming with unsupported chips. That's a bit more expensive than just getting the chip but in combination still way cheaper than any Hakko station.
And if we now (probably) have to do modding anyway in future, then I'm wondering if it would be possible to get one of the cheap STC based stations, throw out the chip, add ribbon cable in its position and wire the other end of the ribbon to a bluepill dev board. Maybe I should try to find the cheapest possible STC based T12 station to trace out the schematics to see if it is "close enough" that it works as "external circuit" around a STM32 dev board with DavidAlfa's firmware. I don't really need a third station but probably that could be fun to try