My calibration data:
Board: KSGR 3.1 with the STM32F101 and the 28-07-2021 version of the firmware. Temperature Measured with a Hakko 191 iron thermometer clone with a new sensor.
All tips are KSGR branded, some are with a black tip which is more expensive and supposed to be of a better quality, which certainly are not.
B : 1677, 2338, 3199
D12:1622, 2260, 2938
D52: 1615, 2251, 2947
J02: 1636, 2305, 3087
J02 Black head: 1655, 2334, 3234
K: 1640, 2297, 3094
I have a problem with 2 of the black heads tips, D16 and D24. When connected the overshoot quite a bit. Set for 300 for example, the board gives it power when under 300, it immediately shoots to 500-600 degrees on screen (nothing like that on the thermometer), then start going down slowly until when under 300 degrees and have a slight power then it overshoots again.
On the original firmware those tips used to fluctuate wildly around the set temperature.
I know these tips are of lower quality or the thermocoupler is not bonded correctly, I want to try to make them usable though. I think I need to the change the Kp,Ki,KD, Imax and Imin for those 2 tips, how do I go about doing that?
A few suggestions for the firmware:
1-Adding the option to round robin, when at the start of a menu, if you rotate the knob counterclockwise it would go to the last item on the page, useful when you enter a wrong menu or just want to get to the end of the menu without scrolling all the way down.
2-Show the name of the current tip profile on the main screen, useful to make sure you have the correct tip selected especially with those big difference in calibration values.
3-Show the name of the current tip profile on the calibration screen, there is enough room I think.
4-When adding a new tip, and opening the edit tip menu it shows the ADC values of that tip which are the default 1100, 1200, 1300, but when opening the adjust menu when calibrating that tip, it shows the values you added for the first tip you adjusted. 1450, 2200, 3100 for example, is that a bug or is it intentional? And if it was intentional, why not add a new menu with those values since they seem to be universal for all tips and specific to the board and not for each individual tip.
Thanks again for the hard work. The firmware completely changed the station for the better.