Why does it need more power?
It runs fine even on the slowest 36MHz 32F101.
Actually it can run easily 10-15x faster, if not more, it just doesn't make sense for this application.
Would you see anything if the screen changes 100 times per second?
You can actually do so by reducing the GUI time and increasing the sampling frequency in the menu settings.
That message with the 32F411 BlackPill was just for showing, I never developed this firmware for it.
The idea was to buy your ksger/quecoo station and out a new firmware in it in a simple way, in fact a lot of effort was put to make it fit in the smaller 10KB RAM devices.
So anything better, faster, larger will simply waste resources.
I value my time, why would I spend hours in something that will make no difference or benefit in the end?
This is OpenSource firmware, not free personal programmer
Better get the 32F103CB and use it as-is.