Here is a calibration procedure for the front panel meters:
Potmeters (See picture, the blue ones) left to right:
1- mA range gain.
2- A range gain.
3- mA and A offset.
4- V gain.
1: Set power supply to mA range.
2: Connect ampere meter.
3: Set current to approx 1mA. (because the front panel meters does not show negative)
4: Adjust current offset potmeter to let front panel show 1mA.
5: Set current to 990mA.
6: Adjust mA range gain potmeter let front panel to show 990mA.
7: Repeat step 3-6 until satisfied.
8: Set power supply to A range.
9: Set current to 4.90A.
10: Adjust A range potmeter let front panel to show 4.90A.
11: Set voltage to 30 V.
12: Adjust voltage gain potmeter to let front panel show 30V.
I could not find anything about calibration of this power supply on the net, so I started fiddling with the pots.
Hope it is useful for someone.