don't ever say the words MDF or Formica/melamine in Switzerland or they will have you shot by Heidi.
Ooo... Is she pretty?
We would 100% cover the areas with ESD matting much like what Sir David has in his lab... I can buy 20m of this stuff for the price of one of these 'official' ESD desks.
2 layer ESD mat is relatively inexpensive when compared to workstations that have ESD compliant tops (i.e.
Athlon, which is extremely nice, and has a price tag to match). There are less expensive table tops to be had, but YMMV (may/may not have suitable heat, abrasion, and chemical resistance).
My worry was if all areas like desk legs and other exposed area should officially be antistatic but I am assuming as the floor is antistatic and all engineers would be wearing ESD shoes this should not be an issue. I will be dealing with customers from large international companies (like Cisco) and want to make sure they do not have an issue with the setup on visits.
Unless you need cleanroom standards, this seems overkill IMHO.
The antistatic shoes could be a nice touch, but again, so long as the user has a good ground connection through the wrist strap (no intermittent contacts, such as via wrist strap's snap connector or banana plug; this is where an ESD monitor is useful), you should be good to go regarding the operator. Between the wrist strap and mat ground connections, you should be sufficiently covered based on your description (assumes your clients won't demand more stringent ESD requirements, and if they do, your company will need to get them to pay for it
this reminds me: does anyone have any pointers for affordable (home lab) esd 'continuous monitors' ?
I wonder if this can be DIY'd? how hard can it be?
or, if its better to buy, is there any wear and tear on used gear that would make buying used esd monitors not such a good idea?
New... (most expensive linked is still under $200).
Single wire (this one covers mat & wrist strap; not all do, so check carefully before buying)
Dual wire (covers mat, wrist strap, and either an ankle/heel strap or tool)
BTW, these devices are NIST calibrated (basic; traceable can be had at additional expense of course).
Personally, I'm fine with used for a hobbyist, so long as it's working (certainly better than nothing). Much cheaper (say ~$40 max, shipped), and I suspect about the same as what you'd be able to build one for (once you add a wall wart for power and an enclosure).