The iron is from the red series, which is the lower quality wellers. I had experience with tips like this from my pre professional time. They die very fast, very rapidly, and it doesn't really matter what you do. Somewhat better, 230V irons are the WM20 or weller mini 2000 series, but I dont thin they are manufactured anymore, they have been replaced by the 2012 and other, which are again red, and lower quality. Unfortunately, they still eat the same tips, so no improvement there.
What I would do, if I'm stuck with the iron: There is no point to buy these weller tips. They will be bad quality control, and they will die fast. Maybe not in 1 hour, but in 20, if you get a good one. Just but any tip which is compatible, buy it in bulk. I went to my local store, they had something from metal for about 2 Euros, I could use them for some soldering jobs. But I used it very rarely, and by the time I needed to solder every day, I had a decent station.
The red series is the "IKEA free wrench in the box". It should not be considered for any serious work.