Hello All,
Dave had posted a really nice review of USB oscilloscopes a couple of years back. Looks like things have moved on since then and there are many USB scopes for the picking.
One particular entry which caught my attention was the MSO-28 USB Oscilloscope and the logic analyser. If one compares this with the RIGOL DS1052E, it puts up a pretty good fight. It has a decent sampling rate (200MS/s) and analog bandwidth (60MHz) and also boasts of a logic analyser. All these specs, though not upto RIGOL, are something that a newbie could benefit from.
Now, if I had a tight budget of around 300$ and could not affort a RIGOL, it appears that there are few choices. Some of the more promising entry-level USB scopes, which have a decent sampling rate / bandwidth / logic analyser are Quantum Analysis QA100, Bitscope 10U (new model) and Link Instruments MSO-28. Can anyone comment which one would be the best for a newbie? Portability and multi-functionality are must and cost is a huge penatly.
Appreciate your inputs,
Thanks in advance