Well, my intention here was to be able to do quick impedance measurements of output transformers (which are wound in a very specific and complicated way, and use GO cores). I wasnt aware that HH meters could give me false readings like the ones Im getting.
The impedances associated with the windings of an audio transformer are sometimes a source of confusion. Consider an output transformer with a 5k ohm primary and an 8 ohm secondary. What that means is that with an 8 ohm load connected to the secondary, an impedance of 5k ohms will be measured at the primary.
But you are apparently measuring the primary impedance with nothing connected to the secondary. That's not the proper way to measure the rated impedances of the windings.
See this thread:
http://www.electro-tech-online.com/general-electronics-chat/124261-audio-transformers-two-ports.htmlOK, so here are some results...
I made a 0.5H inductor, and the final value measured using other instruments was 0.57H (not too bad).
Using the B&K I get:
At 100Hz - 1.3H theta=76.6 degrees
At 120Hz - 1.24H theta=76.35 degrees
At 1kHz - 0.63H theta=77 degrees
At 10kHz - 0.24H theta=44 degrees
Is such huge variation normal? Im not sure inductors vary that much in frequency but anyway, it is possible.
I also found an old 8H inductor here and decided to try it... my other instruments say 8.1H.
Using the B&K at 1kHZ gives me 8.6H but at 10kHz it says -2.1H (yes, minus). What does it mean exactly?
The measured inductance and impedance of a winding on an iron core can vary with freqency and with the excitation voltage applied by the LCR meter making the measurement.
The permeability of iron core material varies with flux density; it decreases with decreasing flux density. For a constant applied voltage, the flux density decreases with frequency so the measured inductance will decrease with increasing frequency. Some core materials such as those with a high nickel content don't exhibit this effect to such a large extent, but regular grain oriented silicon steel does exhibit the effect to a noticeable degree.
Also, the high impedance winding of an audio transformer is probably wound with a lot of turns of small diameter wire. Such a winding will have a parallel resonance due to the distributed capacitance of the winding. As the inductance measurement is made at a frequency approaching the resonance frequency, the apparent inductance may decrease and eventually become negative at frequencies above the resonance.
I've attached a couple of images showing a frequency sweep of the primary impedance and inductance of a 5k winding on a Bogen audio transformer. The green curve is the impedance and the yellow curve is the inductance. The impedance is shown logarithmically with 100 ohms at the bottom and 1 megohm at the top. The inductance is shown on a linear scale with -8 henries at the bottom and +8 henries at the top. The frequency sweep goes from 100 Hz at the left to 100 kHz at the right.
One image shows the measurements with an excitation voltage of .1 volt and the other with 5 volts.
Parallel resonance occurs at about 3 kHz and the effects I described can be seen in these images. Notice how the measured inductance becomes negative above 3 kHz.
To test your B&K without these effects confusing the results, use an inductor without an iron core.