I see that there it says that it covers 1974-2019, but here says it is to 2022 now: also note that says the €99.95 price represents a 50% reduction but it is not obvious if that is a temporary special promotion.
At one time I had all but one of the English edition magazines. Initially I was buying them at a newsagent and the number 6 edition was elusive for some reason (I got the impression something was published in it that might have caused some dispute, but that could be total rubbish). Later I had a subscription that included an annual CD (later DVD), and when they brought out the 1990-1999 DVD I got one of those, at which time I dumped a lot of the real printed on paper ones (might still have some that overlap though). I don’t remember anything being missing from the DVD, but then TBH I don’t refer to it that often.
I still have a subscription that includes an annual DVD, as I prefer that over having to download copies, but I wonder how long they are going to continue to produce those. Lately, even when you have paid extra to get the DVD, you have to specifically opt-in to receive one, otherwise they give some credit to buy other items from their shop.
I was thinking that the time will come when I can no longer read CDs or DVDs, but then perhaps at my age that is not something to be too concerned about.