Look up ADK, IOIO, and microbridge. They all use a microcontroller to connect to an Android tablet over USB, even if the tablet doesn't support USB host. The Kelly Wu board actually runs a PIC port of microbridge. The tablet would load the firmware onto the FPGA, then communicate with it in order to run the given app.
The idea is to not require a board reflash in order to use a new app. In the future, I might design a low cost board just for use as an Android accessory, with a much lower end FPGA, a lower end PIC, and little more than the bare essentials to make it work. $200 or more is not going to make a very popular Android accessory, but a $40-50 board would be very reasonable. It would then be about the same price as IOIO and Arduino ADK, but also offer the benefits of FPGAs.