Friend of a friend asked me to look at a Yaesu FT-991. Said VHF power output was only max 3W, other bands fine. I agreed to look at it. I asked if the owner even opened it up to visually inspect it. Of course not!
To make a long story short, there is a failed PIN diode on the VHF board. This is where all the bands pass through first - even HF. There is a bank of filters that steer the RF, and a few PIN diodes. After verifying that the power was coming into the board OK, and that the other bands power output was OK, I knew what the problem probably was. Of course the PIN diode I suspected was on the bottom of the V_U PA board, so had to pull it to check. Sure enough, the suspect PIN diode (D4503) showed signs of overheating as you can see in the pic.
They are available on RF Parts for $2.95 Sez "New Old Stock "No longer available for export".
The friend who is coordinating this will order them. Be back when part is received. Shelved for now.