I have made good progress on this repair project!
I have managed to dump the EEPROM content without desoldering it, by recording accesses done with my HP 1650A logic analyzer:
and indeed, the content is corrupted, there are a few lines full of 00 or FF.
Differences with a "good" EEPROM dump:
According to the accesses, done at various moments (eg. power-up or when changing ranges):
Calibration constants are stored from 005 to 0DC (4 bytes per constant, 54 constants = calibration points).
Calibration checksum is at 004 (FF in my EEPROM is obviously wrong, hence the error 453).
Settings (and probably other data) are stored from 0DD to 148, which is the last address used.
10 00 is regularly read/written to addresses 001 & 002.
Addresses 002 & 003 are never accessed.
I have dumped the write and read accesses done when trying to save front panel settings to the EEPROM.
The data is stored and tt is read back correctly on next power-up, but for some reason (probably the checksum error), it is immediately overwritten with default factory settings.
So, in fact, the EEPROM is OK, but some calibration constants have been corrupted.
Then I have tried to calibrate (approximately) the 3V DC range that was only OK for negative voltages, and it worked!
The checksum has been recalculated (no more error) and the 3V DC range is now OK.
I have no appropriate calibration equipment, but I will try to "calibrate" as best as I can with the help of my HP34401A.
By chance most of the AC (V & A) ranges are OK, which is the most difficult to calibrate with the equipment I have.
It will still acceptable for a sub-50€ score!