I have a 7623a oscilloscope, which I powered up yesterday, stupidly.
It is really old, and has been in a shed for ages and was probably damp. When I powered it up, there was a green haze on the display. This was dancing around for a while, but after about a minute, it suddenly just died. Consider me fairly new to electronics,but have a reasonable understanding of the basics. I want to learn a lot more, hence my getting the oscilloscope out.
At the moment, I have limited tools to fix, a cheapo multimeter, and a soldering iron, so very much a newbie.
The question I have is, is it worth/possible repairing.
appy to have a go. If not, I know they are fairly cheap on eBay, probably 50 - 100. Ifits not worth repairing, I think it may be useful to someone else on here. Could anyone recommend one I could look for?
If all else fails I am happy to let someone here have it for free, if anyone can find a use for it. There are three modules in the bottom of the unit, which I am sure are fine, so these could be useful to someone.
Hoping someone on here can please help or advise me.