I have a Keithley 197, with an pretty small LCD w/ no backlight. And the Zebra strip is also making poor contact. I'd love to upgrade it to a big LED segment display, more like your Fluke's.
I need to load test the transformer, but I think I did before, or read that it was only good for about another 100mA, yeah that was some Kerry Wong, he did a conversion and blogged about it. But yeah all those LED segments are a bit too much.
But I wouldn't mind getting a little bigger transformer, even if I had to make some sort of support for it. Or add another little 1. The buttons on mine, and KW's, were a bit bad, so he made a whole new front panel. I might do the same, to fit all those big LED segments.
Either way, I wanted a bright and bigger overall screen, so even if I go with an OLED one, I want it to be 2x the size or more of the original.
I look forward to decoding some or all, of how the LCD drive works. And then programming an STM32 chip, or an ATmega169P, if it can do it.