I wasn't sure specifically what resistors were the emitter ones, but I think for Q1 and Q3, they're either the 100R, or the 4.7K ones, both of which checked out. (this is from memory).
That said, I replaced Q505 and Q507, and it fixed that channel! When testing it, I didn't notice my scope had one channel at 1V/div, and the other at 200mV/div, so I thought maybe the new transistors were just working that much better than the old (I know, I know). So I did the right channel, and the center channel as well. The rear channels are both powered by an IC.
When I saw that changing those did nothing, I then noticed my scope was set that way. DOH! Oh well... they all needed to be replaced at some point.
Biggest issue is the PCB was shit. Had to jump things twice because a trace lifted when unsoldering/wiggling the old BJT out. The rest of them I just cut off, and pulled the pins. Still... shitty PCBs suck.
Thanks all! Especially mzacharias for being on the money!