Hi Martin, welcome in $current year
So IBM or whoever was producing this enormously overpriced SSD run out of SSDs and used my solution, but with a crappy PCMCIA adapter
OK, so let's see what did you put there, as you may remember, I've only got the OS to work with 32MB CF card, in that double adapter, nothing else was working. I do plan to try with higher capacities CF cards (I'm tracing some 64, 128 and 256MB on >:Dbay, let's see if I'll be able to get some).
IMO, there are two ways to proceed:
- Step one: check if a "normal" DOS works correctly, boot from a DOS floppy and try to fdisk/format the master device that you intend to use and try to boot form it, assuming of course that is recognized in the BIOS, initially try with single device, also check the master/slave/single configuration pins. The DOS should boot.
- Step two: once you're sure that the you can actually boot something, dd the image to the new device and IMPORTANT, don't forget to run the command sync before ejecting the media that you intend to use.
- Step three (optional): you can make an archive of the image of the OS disk, post it here or privately, and I will try to run it, both in simulator mode and on my actual device that is stil open and expects the LCD replacement of the CRT.
Good luck and don't despair, it will work, and is nice that you've take a look, the PCMCIA card doesn't look too future proof to me, is a smart idea to be replaced, of the IBM Deathstar, I refrain from commenting