Author Topic: Sam's Repair Briefs - Complete: 1 to 100  (Read 2190 times)

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Sam's Repair Briefs - Complete: 1 to 100
« on: October 07, 2013, 01:04:15 am »

What are the Repair Briefs(c)?

This series presents case studies of selected repair problems from my archives. (Archives sounds more impressive than scribbled notes and schematics, doesn't it?). I hope that these summaries are useful for those of you are interested in tackling your own repairs. These will NOT be of the form: "replace C418 when vertical size is reduced on HyperTech TV chassis HT312". Rather, they will document specific but common problems with TVs, VCRs, CDs, computer peripherals, etc. The symptoms, testing, diagnostic procedure, repair procedure, and comments will be included so that you can learn from my approach (and my screwups). If you want specific solutions to well known or repeat problems with your RCA or Zenith, then the repair professionals who frequent this group will be in a better position to help since they work on many of the same line of equipment on a regular basis. However, if you want to develop a general diagnostic approach, then this series may provide some tips and insight based on theory and experience. Not all of these are exciting cast-of-thousands repairs. Many tend to be mundain but address common problems with consumer electronic equipment. You will no doubt recognize some as directly pertaining to some appliance or electronic device that you had repaired (or junked) in the past. There will probably even be some of those 'dogs' that we all hate - the problems that never seem to go away. In any case, these will all be based on my true experiences with minimal embellishment.


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