Ian.. When it's turned OFF it pulls 48mA (0.048A) ..And when ON it pulls about 74mA.. It drained an almost fully charged set of Eneloops overnight, well in about 18 hrs.. Also I've just noticed
that if I remove the batteries for even half a second the internal clock time is lost.. So the clock battery isn't charging either. Or perhaps it is and whatever
the fault is, is pulling that down too.
I can't believe it.. The meter works great in every other way as far as I can tell, and as mentioned is accurate too. Pffff. Oh well
time for my money back I guess
I may open it up one more time just to see if anything hot jumps into view.
EDIT.... Tried the thermal imager on the pcb, but nothing to report really apart from a couple of larger tantalum caps
and the main processor rising to about 35°C, and that's with an ambient room temp of 27°C.