I have a couple of PSUs 6642A 6643A that have the old non-backlit displays that have the caption markers under them. I saw that someone had done an OLED display
like this (check out the youtube video) but I don't want to use a $21 OLED; I do like the way that the captions are presented as text on the second line.
This would be a pretty straightforward project, the idea would be to create a small PCB that matches the connector on the end of the HP ribbon cable and have a 50 cent micro-controller translate the HP signals to the new LCD signals. Finally, I'll design a plastic part that mounts the 16x2 or 20x2 character display into the existing HP slot.
Things I'd need to make this work:
1. Info on the connector that's at the end of the ribbon cable.
2. Info on the signal format coming from the power supply end.
3. A PCB - I can design and have made
4. Micro-controller code - I can write, I already have LCD driver code written
5. Physical adapter design - I can design and print on 3D printer
I've bought displays
like these from buydisplay.com before and they are very nice and cheap.
Help me get this working and I'll share the design files here.
So for 1 above - the connector. Please see the picture below. I have pulled at it but it's not clear how or if it comes apart. I had assumed it was a 0.1" header plug but now I'm concerned that it's some sort of IDC connector that's soldered to the PCB - can anyone shed any light on this?
And for 2 above - the format of the signals. I found the
service manual for this series of PSUs and, on p150 (left side) it shows connect J2 going to the LCD; the right side of that has various supplies that are needed for the LCD including 5V and 3.3V so power should be no issue. But what about the data? it's clear that there's a 4-bit data bus with H0..3 and there's 2 other lines so I assume it's like the 4-bit parallel HD44780 style data with Enable, R/W, and RS pins. It might be possible to ID the display and find a data sheet for it and the really good bit would be if eb4eqa would share his code for translating the data coming from the PSU.
Any ideas or suggestion for improvements or approach?