I have an old 21" CRT PC Monitor (HP D2846). It's a rebranded Sony Trinitron in a N3 chassis.
Ten years ago when I stopped using it, I stored it in a bedroom in my house.
It was working without any issue.
Last month I tried to turn it on again. Now it has few issues.
First the vertical synchronization doesn't work. The full image is displayed but moving from the top to 1/3 of the screen then goes back to the top. This cycle repeats maybe 2 or 3 times per second.
After 20 minutes turned on, it manages to lock the image in place but only for the 1280x1024 resolution at 75Hz.
The second issue is that the bottom of the image doesn't take the full width.
I want to fix it, I was planning to use it to play retro-games.
I downloaded the service manual (search HP D2846 Service Manual in google), read a lot of websites and watched a lot of YouTube videos about CRT repairs.
Since it manages to synchronize on a resolution once it's hot, I think the most likely is that some electrolytic capacitors went bad.
So I planned to change the electrolytic capacitors of the deflection board (D board).
This is were I need your help.
In the schematic some capacitors are noted HR and/or HT (see image below), I couldn't find out what this means. Do you know?
In the BOM, most (all?) electrolytic capacitor have a tolerance of 20%.
All but
C529, which has a tolerance of 0 (see image below). I can't find this capacitor with a 0 tolerance at Farnell nor Mouser.
Is it really a capacitor with a 0 tolerance? Can I replace it with a capacitor with a 20% tolerance?
As I understand, this capacitor is used in parallel with other capacitors that can be "added" or "removed" by the CPU (see image below).
It's related to the horizontal deflection.
Thanks for your help.
Sorry for my bad English.
Best regards.