Hello all,
Next up is an HP 5246L counter. I have been playing around with it and and noticed that, when connected to my HP 650A (behemoth) signal generator, I get very accurate readings on the 1ms, .1ms, 10us, 1us, and .1us settings but 10ms, .1s. 1s it is counting high, double or more the indicated frequency from my scope.
I do have a service manual on the way. The operating manual has you adjust the time base by externally triggering a scope to 100Khz (if I recall), but I do not have the ability to externally trigger my scope currently. If the readings are accurate on the shorter time base settings this would mean the internal time is good right?
When I use the check mode it is also inaccurate until I get into the Mhz range, but its not too far out reading 9989Khz or so out of 10,000Khz.