I recently got a Tek 410a scope with the bad habit of blowing the fuse every time the switch on the back is turned on. I followed the instructions in the service manual which pointed to the low voltage power supply. I discovered that there was a direct short between the DC outputs of the bridge rectifier and traced them back (starting from the negative pole) to the main switching transistor of the primary side (upper right corner, the heatsink with the warning label). I checked the resistance between Base, Collector and Emitter, they where under 1 ohm each. Desoldered it, same result. So i bought a replacement and installed it. Now the resistance between the poles of the rectifier is approx. 40-50 kOhm, but the resistance (in circuit) of the new transistor between B&E is still 0 Ohms (180/35 kOhm between B&C/C&B). I traced the connections going out from the transistor, but couldn't find the cause of the 0 Ohm problem. Now the question: Am i just missing something blatantly obvious or is there something else broken?
I attached pictures of the board and the schematic i draw from tracing the connections to/from the transistor. The "green thing" i am reffering to is the thing behind the big transformer, it is wrapped in heatshrink(?) and it looks like pin 1&2 are going into a transistor. No idea what the rest does. The mosfet is the one w/o heatsink left from the filter(?) caps. R18 is a functioning 1k Ohm, forgot to put that in the schematic. I marked the ceramic resistors as varistors to differentiate them from normal ones. CR2 and VR4 are probably fried Zehners (VR4 is a 1N5221B, can't read the letters on CR2), they have a forward voltage of 0,4 V (backwards 1,2 V on both). My multimeter shows a resistance of a few Megs, so i guess they aren't the cause of the 0 Ohm problem.
The problem with drawing a schematic is that i have to trace the lines on the pcb and can't tell if it's a valid connection or caused by a short somewhere else when i find 0 Ohm of resistance between two parts. I think i got all the connections, but i didn't test every point against every other bc of the problem i mentioned above.
Would be nice if someone who has the same psu could check the resistance on theirs and tell me if i am just waisting my time.
(No, i will NOT power the damn thing up until i am 99% sure that i fixed all the problems. 3 reasons for that: 1) Don't want to electrocute myself. 2) It's the only pcb i have and there are no replacement pcbs online 3) I have only more replacement transistor, if i kill them i have to wait untill november for new ones to arrive)
(And yes, i know about the existence of the "schematic" from a LeCroy 9384. Problem: The scan quality is extremely crappy and you can't identify a single part)