Wayne posting here....relatively new at this blogging.....however this appears to be a "excellent source" of credible information covering a very important and sometimes misunderstood tool that we find invaluable in our work, "the multimeter", and I could sure use some help and opinion.
I am a Canadian (Northern B.C.) Inter-provincially licensed H.D. Mechanic/Millwright/Commercial Transport/ Automotive Mechanic.....been at this for 34 years +.
1) I have a old Fluke 77 that may have seen better days.....it has a new 9 v duracell in it....however it is doing a lot of strange things and is not useable........when swiched on to the ohm scale .OL. flashes constantly.....when the two leads are touched...same thing....switch it to diode testing and the audible tone comes on instantly whether the leads are touched or not......Numerals of.070 to .084 and more continually come in to view.....the 10 amp "unfused" scale that I use searching for DC battery draws is unuseable....when testing a 110 volt AC recepticle it reads something like 77 volts AC..................Garbage??? or is there some hope

2)Also I have a newer Fluke 77III......new battery....when switched to ohm scale....leads not touching it reads 13.02 to 13.28 is all over the map.....leads touching each other it reads -226.3..to 805....759......all over the map......on diode test leads apart it shows OL....leads touching I get the beeping tone and.253.......volts AC leads apart....I get .890......913......plugged in to a live 110v wall socket, I get form 164 to 185 Volts AC...all over the map as well.........once again....garbage or some hope

In my trades I have always preferred a good tough and simple analogue meter.....the movement of the meter wand tells me much more especially when internmittent problems are being troubleshot....I could use currently, a good suggestion on a domestic brand analogue meter that is commonly viewed as tough, reliable, and relatively inexpensive. if such a thing still exists.......Tanx.