Do you have any suggestions on which MOSFETs to stock (from China, presumably, though Mouser/Digikey/Arrow are also OK) for repairing GPUs? Different varieties that occur on Geforce RTX 1060 and newer and Radeon RX470 and newer, I wouldn't want to repair older cards. So far, I guess that it'd make sense to get some single N/P MOSFETS in WDFN8, as well as pairs in the same package. I'm guessing that putting higher current, lower Rds MOSFETs instead of worse ones probably won't cause issues, as long as the pinout matches. In that light, what do you suggest I get to have on hand for quick fixes?
Recently a friend gave me a GPU to repair (an RTX2070), which was pretty easy to fix (2 blown MOSFETs). I realized there's nothing to it: just a bunch of buck converters and rail switches with MOSFETS, RAM and the processor chip itself (OK, yeah, flash for the bios, PCIE stuff too, but that stuff is unlikely to fail). This got me thinking I could do this as a side gig, I just need some parts in stock because both time and shipping costs for getting like 2 MOSFETs really sucks.