So these are the erros that are currently popping up. The device is open without its cover and the measurement was done with the Rear inputs.
200.2 A/D operation
201.2 Testcal (Cannot measure 7V at A/D)
202.2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24 Integration (Integration bit I15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4)
302.4 ADGND MUX (Divider LO to ADGND)
303.1 Input buffer (Input buffer)
304.1 Open ckt ohms (Open circuit ohms)
304.2 Open ckt ohms (2M open circuit ohms)
305.4 20V range MUX (20V range MUX signal)
306.1 Ohms (9.6uA ohms source)
306.2 Ohms (1.92uA ohms source)
306.3 Ohms (High ohms voltage source)
307.1 100:1 divider (/100 input divider)
406.6 Sample/hold (Sample and hold)
410.1 TRMS (TRMS)
411.1 TRMS filter (TRMS filter)
411.2 TRMS filter (Filter)
500.1 Amps/LO ohms (96uA ohms/200uA DCA range)
500.2 Amps/LO ohms (960uA ohms/2mA DCA range)
500.3 Amps/LO ohms (7.2mA ohms/2mA DCA range)
500.4 Amps/LO ohms (20mA DCA range)
500.6 Amps/LO ohms (200mA DCA range)
500.7 Amps/LO ohms (2A DCA range)
501.1 Amps protect (Amps protection)
501.2 Amps protect (Amps bootstrap)
502.1 ACA switch (AC amps switch)
In total 39 errors. My main goal currently is to get the voltage rails to spec and hope that most of these errors vanish
The attachments contain pictures of the errors. If anyone has any other ideas, inputs or feedback are very welcome
Thank you all