I'm trying to debug a Keithley 177 microvolt meter and noticed a discrepancy between continuity testing and the schematic.
From what I can tell all three voltage regulators should be connected sharing a common 0V rail - but I'm reading no continuity between the common pins of the 5V regulator and the other two (+/-15V).
The +/-15V regulators are connected at the common pin, as you'd expect for a split supply.
When the unit is powered up I read a significant voltage difference between the common pin of the 5V regulator and that of the other two. Same situation versus the shield - there's an offset of several volts. It seems as if the 5V circuit isn't referenced at all to the rest of it - only to the front panel.
The display is getting 5V (flashes 0.000) but it's acting like the input limits are exceeded in all modes with no input. Seems like a fault with common 0V - if that's what it is - could matter here.
I have played with the ganged switches but I don't see how a problem with that could explain the discrepancy. Been wondering about less obvious connections via the shields. Will look at that next.
I inspected both sides of the board and being populated this isn't easy - some parts are obscured e.g. under the rectifiers. It appears to be a double sided board with thick tracks so it should still be possible to find a 'hidden' track without too much trouble. Still I do not see where these regulators are supposed to be connected to share 0V.
So before I go removing components to look for hidden tracks and breaks - does anyone know if this is a schematic bug or a fault in the unit? Or a missing heatsink or clip? While this does seem like a fault, it would be a pain to remove more components to find all units are connected the same way.
A previous owner apparently lifted 3 pads and created a few other issues. There might be more problems here but I'd like to have the board agree with the schematic before making more changes.