I recently purchased a used HP 1743A oscilloscope - voltages are nominal and everything seems to work except the delayed sweep and X-Y mode (or “A vs B” mode in HP nomenclature, although Channel A controls the Y axis and B the X axis). The latter is what I’m tackling first, and what I’m seeing has me confused.
In summary, with signal applied to both channels and nominal V/div on the horizontal (“B”) and vertical (“A”) channel the resulting trace is completely off the screen to the right. Adjusting the horizontal position “full left” doesn’t pull it back on screen. However, if I set the horizontal V/div to 1/10 of the nominally required setting to make the trace “wide” and increase the input horizontal voltage sufficiently, I can get a partial trace back onto the screen.
For example, I set up a simple equal voltage 1 Hz Lissajous pattern (a rotating circle). At less than 2.6V P-P applied to both channels, the trace is completely off the screen. Increasing the horizontal voltage up through 5.2V P-P grows the trace onto the screen as seen in the first picture below. It rotates as you would expect and is the correct height, albeit quite wide due to the much lower horizontal V/div. Then, as I increase the voltage past 5.2V P-P the left side of the trace starts to “cave in” back to the right as seen in the second picture below. This last behavior really has me scratching my head.
I’ve been studying the Service Manual and in Service Sheet 12 on the horizontal pre-amp and amp, for troubleshooting HP suggests putting the scope (conveniently) into A vs. B mode. If there is horizontal deflection (which there is, albeit too much to the right) HP indicates the problem is in the time base. However, if the problem is in the time base, why would operating the scope in normal (i.e., non- A vs. B) mode not manifest any problems?
I’m still early in my electronics learning curve – so any pointers or suggestions would be much appreciated!