Below is the data from three tests. The second test was the most stable.
Very nice, thanks for those rigorous tests. Plugging the numbers :
gain const reading 'x' decode(x) Un-apply gain
(= reading / decode(x))
00000 68064 1.000000 68064.0
00700 68112 1.000700 68064.4
00800 68009 0.999200 68063.5
00900 68016 0.999300 68063.6
00a00 68022 0.999400 68062.8
00f00 68056 0.999900 68062.8
90700 63346 0.930700 68062.7
77777 73356 1.077777 68062.3
88888 62013 0.911112 68063.0
99999 62769 0.922223 68062.7
00000 68062 1.000000 68062.0
00700 68110 1.000700 68062.4
00800 68008 0.999200 68062.4
00900 68014 0.999300 68061.6
00a00 68021 0.999400 68061.8
00f00 68055 0.999900 68061.8
90700 63345 0.930700 68061.7
77777 73356 1.077777 68062.3
88888 62012 0.911112 68061.9
99999 62769 0.922223 68062.7
As you can see, the results fit nearly perfectly - as good as I could expect, down to the last digit, which definitely proves the quality of your experimental methodology.
The code I used in that spreadsheet is unfortunately an awful BASIC macro,
gain = 1
for cur=1 to 5
temp = clng("&h" & mid(gainstring, cur, 1)) ### this converts a single digit from the "raw gain constant" text string to a numerical value.
if (temp >= 8) then
temp = temp - 16
rem digit 1 (cur = 1) is 1/100)
gain = gain + (temp / (10^(cur + 1)))
next cur
but that code, to the best of my knowledge, is equivalent to my original C code and Steve's, assuming he checks for "digit >= 8" too.
Now, for the reverse function, encode(gain), I'd have to think about this before I could say anything smart.
Again, thanks for that data. Always nice to validate theory.