Hi there
I'm cleaning a Hameg 203-6 I got today, I lubricated the switches and rotary controls, all is working fine now and it got rid of the noise but I encountered a strange problem with the two Y (voltage) knobs.
Both, and one especially, are a little hard to turn because they are grinding against the frontal plastic panel.
I confirmed this by pressing with a thumb on the panel immediately near the rotary switch and turning the knob. It works perfectly.
Releasing the pressure makes the knob rub against the plastic.
So my questions are ... how can the knobs be removed ? Considering there is the vernier knob too which should be removed first I suppose.
And second... it may be possible to reinstall the knobs just a little shy from the plastic surface to avoid the rubbing ?
If that's not possible, maybe I could simply use a light sandpaper on the knob's base to remove 1/10 of millimeter to solve the problem.
I tried to look for a video where someone is repairing/taking apart an Hameg hoping to actually see how it's done with no success, I'm afraid of pulling and destroy something.