I have been fighting with this CPD-1604S for a couple of months now, and I am at a point where I feel stuck and I need help.
When I picked it up, it did not turn on. I tested every single electrolytic in the set and replaced everything that was bad. A good 2/3s of the lytics were quite bad (more than 50% out and 100kohm+ ESR) and needed to be replaced.
Specifically, there is a kind of daughterboard PCB in this unit that handles deflection control. It's Sony's solution to the Multisync thing at the time, allowing it to "bin" the incoming signal by horizontal refresh rate and provide separate size controls for each one. This board (and only this board) was covered in early surface mount electrolytics that of course leaked out as they all do. I won't get into the details, but I treated and cleaned the PCB correctly and inspected the traces under a microscope. Everything looks good and I get continuity on even the worst effected areas. There doesn't appear to be any major corrosion, only the solder mask has come off in a few spots.
When I put everything back together, I found that I had vertical collapse. I traced the collapse back to the 24VDC power supply that feeds the Vertical output IC. It had a blown fusible resistor. Replacing the fusible resistor restored the Vertical completely, but the sides are wavy and no amount of geometry controls fixes them.
I turned my focus back to the DA PCB. I did a number of things.
- removed all the geometry pots and ensured they have smooth operation
- tested waveforms around IC301 (Horizontal Oscillator) and IC303 (Pinamp Control, called an "East West IC" in the datasheet)
-checked many resistors for values around the Pincushion circuit and for trace continuity
The only obviously "bad" waveform I found was at the output of Pin 7 on the Pinamp IC. Instead of a 500mV parabola, I'm seeing more of a noisy-looking sawtooth wave at about 280mV with a very quick spike of almost 1Vpkpk right in the middle.
The actual output pin of IC303 is Pin 5, and it basically looks like what the service manual says it should. It's the correct voltage, and it's a square wave. I guess I have to assume that it's slightly off and that the pincushion adjustments make on very subtle changes to the square wave that are hard to see on a scope if you don't know exactly what you are looking for.
The Pin Phase control seems to be doing what it's supposed to do, as I can push it to one side to compensate for the Side correction issue, but no matter what I do, it has a significant dip near the bottom sides of the screen. It seems to just be the "Side Pin" controls and the "Pin Up" Controls that aren't responding correctly.
After not finding anything obviously wrong, I tried replacing IC303 (East West IC), but it didn't change anything at all.
I think perhaps this issue could be related to the blown 24V source fuse from the main PCB; it's possible that whatever happened to the fuse might have taken out another component along the way.
This is not the biggest or most complex PCB, but it's filled with tiny surface mount parts that hard to test, and I haven't tried to remove any of the tiny diodes or transistors yet. I have done a little in-circuit testing of things, but I know that's not ideal.
Can anyone offer guidance based on the bad waveform I'm seeing on Pin 7 of IC303? If I had a narrower field to investigate, I might make some progress.
If you right-click on one of the images and view it in another tab, it will allow you to expand the schematic and see it in detail. I attached the full Service Manual as a PDF and the Datasheet of IC303.