Just an update for info and may be useful to those who still have this machine. I managed to repair the BGA machine. I had an issue on the power relay board with one of the triac BTA41-600B and I changed it and the two BTA20-600B too. It appears there was a spark there at some point and one of its leg sort of fused as per picture and dark residual of the spark is evident on the heat sink. The BTA41-600B with the issue tested normal though. The light and laser I managed to repair them, the issue was with the switches, which was damaged due to force pressing I guess. The outer shell was loose and internal spring was missing. I found kind of similar ones on aliexpress. To note the switches have a bulb inside and the light should come on when the switch is switched to the on position but they do not because from factory they were not connected. They have 5 pins at the back but only 2 pins are used. As for working the lights and laser with the LCD touch screen this was never set from factory to work. As the output wires are not connected as the author's of this thread queried what was the output 1, 2 and 3 for? I can hear the relay clicking when touched on the lcd screen but it does not work because the outputs were never connected from factory to the light and laser. It kind of does not make sense why would you use the LCD touch to put the lights and laser on when already can do it much easier from the convenience of the physical switches on the machine. To note in the instruction manual only switches is mentioned for operation of the light and laser. The instruction manual, which can be found on line is not so accurate with the description numbers titled "parts name".
The 2 middle heaters works now as I tested the resistance of the old ones and was in megaohms (faulty), the new ones only read between 75 to 150 ohms if I can recall. The 2 switches on right side of the machine labelled No1 and 2, the No1 is for the bottom furthest left side single ir heater and No6 is for the bottom furthest right side single ir heater. The user interface is not so easy and it takes a while of getting used to. This version of the Machine was manufactured in July 2012, 220v at 16 amp. The author's version the light and laser lcd touch can be found in the assist menu but mine can be found in the main menu. I guess the same LCD interface was used for this BGA machine but tweaked a little and updated with new version of the same model and adjustment was made in new revision of the software may be. The major difference compared with the author's one, mine does not have the transformer inside. It seems the author's one was designed to operate on 120V - (yellow 16amp plug) not 220V as he and others suspected modification must have been made or is factory designed to work on 120V? Mine is rated at 16 amp not 18 amp. This machine is really heavy about 40kg. I am lucky to have got it all working as it should do. Hope someone find this useful.