So I picked this thing out of ewaste years ago, and a super-quick check at that time suggested it was working fine.
I finally got around to putting some (brand new and fully charged) batteries in it, and now I discover that it's not charging the batteries. It will run on batteries just fine, but when in online mode the terminal voltage remains about 0.1v below the floating (disconnected) terminal voltage of the battery pack.
There's a YouTube video discussing the same fault (failure to charge) and showing disassembly. I've followed this guide to get the unit apart and checked the same things shown there.
There's nothing obviously blown-out on the board, other than a visibly bulged but not leaking or ruptured 22uF 400v capacitor. I've checked all the diodes I can find - all have voltage drop in the expected direction, and there's no dead shorts. All the fuses (The little round one and the three automotive-style) are fine. The relays all clicky-click when tapped with 12v or 24v as appropriate.
Someone's written in green sharpie "P" on the black battery connector, which makes me guess maybe someone connected batteries backwards? (More likely probably P for Pooched, though)
I'm not equipped for surface-mount rework, so if it's not a "low-hanging fruit" issue I'm not going to be able to repair it, even if I can detect it.
So I have a few questions:
a) Can anyone share circuit schematics for this board? It's marked 640-1019_REV04
b) What would be the likely damage if someone did connect a 24v battery pack to this thing with reversed polarity?
c) Would the dodgy 400v cap inhibit battery charging?
d) Can anyone suggest any other simple-to-check likely faults?