I have a power supply for electric screwdriver and while i don't have any screwdrivers to plug in and test, I did notice that power supply makes clicking noise (fairly loud, about every half of a second).
There are two settings on power supply 20volt and 30volt. There is never any noise on 30v.
If I turn on power supply while its set to 20v, there will be no noise.
Noise comes on ONLY when PSU is switched from 30v to 20v while power is on.
Power supply looks like this:
http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ZxdcIpXXXXXbaXXXq6xXFXXXL/205568708/HTB1ZxdcIpXXXXXbaXXXq6xXFXXXL.jpgI have two of these and they do the same clicking sound. I took both apart, looked at the boards, didn't see anything out of place visually. just sprayed both with contact cleaners, measured output voltages (they were 20v and 30v, as they should be).
I had same model power supplies before and they didn't make clicking noise... So, idk what to think. Are they ok or should i be worried?