I know you can pick a chip of similiar size and modify that, but what if I wanted to add everything manually as that doesnt really "ADD" a chip. for example I want to add the XILINX XC1765ELSO8C PROM Serial 64K-Bit 3.3V 8-Pin SOIC. I did find a chip in the device list that was the same size well upon looking at the datasheet its not really similiar at all apparently its 512 divided into 64kbit parts must have been added wrong. Anyway Going through a massive list of chips just guessing at one that may be similar is stupid and nobody has time for that. So How can I manually add All the configurations in the datasheet of the XILINX XC1765ELSO8C PROM Serial 64K-Bit 3.3V 8-Pin SOIC. This programmer is the successor to the tl866