Having investigated this issue for several days now, I am stuck with this problem. I only have the incomplete service manual for 1084.9800.08 here, containing part list with X/Y coordinates which helped me to identify parts. But it doesn't contain any schematics.
The problem is with the output level only doing the 5dB steps from the output attenuator of the unit, no levels in between. The output level is also around 6-10dB too low. The self calibration fails (getting aborted). The signal on output socket X249 is constant, not following the level setting of the unit. It should change in a 4 or 5dB range (measured +8.5...12.5dBm in a known-good unit).
Among a lot of other things, I investigated N35 - AD744 (level control loop). At first I thought it was the culprit. Inverting OpAmp, in CW mode -input (pin 2) -0.31...-0.69V (following level setting), output (pin6) sitting at +14V constantly. Strangely, power supply for this OpAmp is +14.8V and -5V which I know is correct.
Removed this OpAmp (N35/AD744) and put it in a SOIC-8 socket of my programmer, plugged it onto a breadboard and wired it up with a potentiometer. It worked fine! With N35 desoldered, the output pad (pin 6) was now sitting at 0.156V (IQ mode) and 0.58V (CW mode). So where the heck did those +14V come from on its output? It must be related to the feedback loop or other circuitry that I am not aware of (without schematics, likely a 4-layer PCB). My other working 1084.9800 has +0.64...1.01V on N35 output (pin 6) to control the output on X249, depending on the level setting - not constant 14V. But here I am stuck now

Previously I looked at the AM modulator ('O') part but wasn't able to identify a faulty component, although the problem might be here in this section I believe. The 3 double PIN diodes work at least.
Today I looked at the output stage 'R' again. As this is a loop for the ALC, it might as well be a problem here with too low gain. The 3 FETs (SHF-0186K = 'H1') are self-conductive and 'might' be OK, so is a diode which in-circuit shows 0.3V bidirectional. The 3 power transistors BSP31 and all other diodes have been tested and didn't show any obvious signs of damage. Not quite sure if I should touch the small potentiometer DETECTOR LINEARITY... it should be part of the ALC loop, measuring output power with the detector/coupler.
Besides, it's quite a hassle working with this module which is inaccessible during operation, without the proper test jig. So I keep removing all cables, pulling it out, soldering wires to my test points, plugging it back in, reconnecting all cables. Let alone the 47 screws to open the "B" side...
One more weird thing to note is that date of first calibration failure (showing up on screen) is the SAME DATE that R&S did the last calibration (written on the label at the front). How strange! Looks as if R&S messed something up!?
I attached photos with labels, it might also help others in the future. Bottom right on B side is output SMA socket X249 (FIQOUT), left of it input SMA socket X247 (FIQFIL).
Does anyone know more about this and could possibly help me out here?