Lead-free components are not liked on this thread I see!
When doing the real thing (i.e. not a redundant PCB), is 400C too hot a setting on a hot-air rework station to remove a chip? Will I damage the chip? (it contains adaptive firmware data which must be subsequently transferred onto another PCB).
400C is way too much !
set your hot ait to 280-300 for the beginning and once you're practised enough you will find the 260-280C as an accurate temperature.
leadfree solder melts at approx 217C (actually depends on the alloy and might be anywhere in the 200-220 range). the exta 40C (when working with 260C air) is needed to overcome the temperature drop "mid air" while the air gets from the nozzle to the board.
and you must be patient it takes some time to heat up evenly the board and the chip with hot air at correct tremperature ! i know with 400C the chip reflows in few seconds, but you wan't to rework/fix something not to kill it
and btw... i think the 400C explains the cracking sound you mentioned earlier