In the case of this switching power supply, the main filter capacitor after the switching transformer most likely shorted (it is now 100% open, high ESR, no capacitance reading), took out the rectifying diode (600v inverse voltage, I think), and the main switching FET 2SK2601. Compared to another working supply, that transformer looks a little brown (over-heeated). It is probably bad, but I still want to try to replace the cap, diode and switching FET (which I needed that insulating sleeve for), more or less for shits and grins to see if I could fix it.
The particular power supply is the only one ever tested for use in that UT system. Others may work, but you go to pay attention to noise radiation. I can only find that power supply used now. So I order a couple and I order all the caps to re-cap them before putting them in to use. I ordered 10 of those rare insulating sleeves just in case they tear taking the supplies apart to re-cap them.