Just starting off in the world of electronics. Having read around carefully, I decided to try and buy a quality multimeter - lo and behold, a Brymen 807 appeared on Gumtree for a reasonable price. Looked good, seller stated it was in 'good order'. Drove down to buy it and excitedly opened it up to put some fresh batteries in.
Two old Duracells had exploded. Blue crystal in the battery holder compartment and the battery holder was FUBAR'ed. Negative terminal lead fell apart. The board itself seemed in reasonable condition: some minor corrosion around the + and - terminals. I cleaned it all off with IPA and replaced the x2 AAA battery holder and replaced the case.
It worked! - kind of. There was an intermittent fault - turning the rotary selector led to all sorts of strange things. The buzzer rang continously (? a short). The selectors flicked on and off - acting all weird. Now, with the multimeter out of the casing and unscrewed, it works fine!! The minute I screwed it down with the casing on - problems occurred.
To cut a two hour story short, I decided to take off the rotary selector switch. And there lay the problem, I think. There was some corrison under the switch, adjacent to the battery terminals. I used some IPA and scrubbed off the corrosion on both the board and the golden selector pins.
Here lies my first problem. During my excitement at potentially finding the fault, I scrubbed the gold contacts with a toothbrush, not realising they were held in only by friction.
I can't remember how they went in the first place!! I have a gold connector that I can't find a home for. Can anyone help?