G'day all,
I have another one of the Yihua clones. It has a YH3010 PCB number. One of these :
I bought it in 2012. My notes indicate it exploded in 2013 and received a new set of relays, rectifier, output banana sockets, some internal reinforcement/re-wiring, An extra cap across the op-amp supply to stop the turn off spike and new screws.
Since then it has served duty running motors or charging batteries, has been subject to quite some abuse and has taken all I've thrown at it, including 10A @ 28V for hours on end.
Recently it has only seen a bit of work charging 12V lead acids, but last weekend I wanted to charge some 24V packs. I turned up the voltage output and it stopped at 19.5V. Cue swearing and sad face.
I grabbed a schematic and got into it. After about 3 hours of not being able to see any logical thing wrong I decided to take a look at the pots. Now this was a close enough to linear output from 0 to 19.5V and showed no signs of a damaged potentiometer.
The Voltage setting on this unit is a 50K + 5K Coarse/Fine, and when I dropped a meter across them 41K was all I could get. The 50K linear pot has become a perfectly (or close enough) linear 40K pot, and the 5K pot has become a 1K pot (again, close enough to linear). I pulled the plug from the pot board and poked a 56k resistor into it and was rewarded with about 32V.
I've seen pots drift high, get noisy, develop dead spots or just up and die, but I've *never* seen a potentiometer drift consistently low like that. I *would* never have suspected the pots (which is why I spent hours checking everything else first!).
So there you go, another Chineseium mystery solved.
Now to dismantle the pot and have a look.